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What is Navaratri:why Navaratri celebrate india

Navaratri, also known as Sharad Navaratri or Shardiya Navratri, is a Hindu festival celebrated over a period of nine nights and ten days. This festival typically occurs in the Gregorian months of September or October and is dedicated to the worship of the goddess Durga, who symbolizes the divine feminine energy.

Navaratri shardiya

Key aspects of Navaratri (Sharad Navratri)

1. **Worship of Goddess Durga:** Navaratri is primarily dedicated to the goddess Durga, who is seen as the embodiment of divine power and the destroyer of evil forces. Devotees offer prayers and perform rituals to seek her blessings.

2. **Nine Nights of Celebration:** The festival spans nine nights, and each night is associated with the worship of a different form of the goddess Durga, often referred to as Navadurga. These forms are worshipped with fervor, and the rituals may include singing devotional songs, dancing, and fasting.

3. **Garba and Dandiya Raas:** In many parts of India, especially in Gujarat, people engage in vibrant and energetic dances called Garba and Dandiya Raas. These traditional dances are performed in circles and involve rhythmic movements to the beat of music.

4. **Fasting and Prayers:** Many devotees observe fasts during Navaratri, with some fasting completely and others opting for specific diets. The fasting period is often broken on the tenth day, which is Vijayadashami (Dussehra).

5. **Cultural Performances:** In addition to religious observances, Navaratri is a time for cultural events and performances. These may include music concerts, dance performances, and exhibitions.

6. **Dussehra:** The festival culminates on the tenth day with Vijayadashami, which marks the victory of good over evil. In many regions, effigies of the demon king Ravana are burned to symbolize this victory. It's also a day when people exchange gifts and sweets.

More about Sharad Navaratri: Why Navaratri celebrate 

1. **Significance:** Sharad Navaratri, also known as Maha Navaratri, is one of the most significant and widely celebrated Hindu festivals. It marks the victory of good over evil and the triumph of the goddess Durga over the buffalo demon Mahishasura.

2. **Duration Navaratri:** Sharad Navaratri spans nine nights and ten days. It falls in the lunar month of Ashwin, typically in September or October.

3. **Worship of Goddess Durga:** The festival is dedicated to the worship of the goddess Durga, who is revered as the divine feminine and the embodiment of Shakti (divine power). Devotees seek her blessings for strength, prosperity, and protection.

4. **Nine Forms of Durga:** Each of the nine nights of Navaratri is associated with a different form or avatar of the goddess Durga. These forms are collectively known as Navadurga, and they are worshipped with special rituals and prayers.

5. **Religious Observances:** During Navaratri, devotees often observe fasts and perform pujas (rituals) at home or in temples. The festival is a time for spiritual reflection and devotion.

6. **Garba and Dandiya:** In many parts of India, especially Gujarat and the western states, people participate in traditional dance forms like Garba and Dandiya Raas. These dances involve intricate steps and colorful attire and are performed in groups.

7. **Cultural Celebrations:** Navaratri is not only a religious festival but also a celebration of Indian culture. It features music concerts, dance performances, and exhibitions of art and crafts.

8. **Vijayadashami:** The festival culminates on the tenth day, known as Vijayadashami or Dussehra. It symbolizes the triumph of good over evil, and effigies of the demon king Ravana are often burned in public celebrations.

9. **Regional Variations:** The customs and traditions of Sharad Navaratri can vary across different regions of India. For example, in West Bengal, it is marked by Durga Puja, a grand festival where elaborately crafted idols of the goddess are worshipped.

10. **Community and Family Bonding:** Navaratri is a time when families and communities come together to celebrate and participate in various activities, fostering a sense of unity and harmony.

It's important to note that the way Sharad Navaratri is celebrated can differ from one part of India to another, and even among different communities. This diversity is one of the unique aspects of Indian culture and festivals.

Navaratri is celebrated with great enthusiasm and devotion by Hindus across India and in various parts of the world.It's a time for families and communities to come together, celebrate, and seek the blessings of the goddess Durga. The exact traditions and customs associated with Navaratri can vary by region and community.


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